Tool engineering

We know how

The tools we use in production we prefer to make ourselves. Our customers benefit immensely from this, above all because it slashes delivery times. The cornerstone of our tool engineering is the CNC wire eroding plant we use in the manufacture of multi-stage dies.

  • CNC eroding and milling, lathe tooling, surface and cylindrical grinding, drilling, counterboring and countersinking, reaming, thread cutting, sawing, etc.
  • Our own case hardening furnace with max. 350 mm workpiece length translates into greater capacity and flexibility
  • Manufacturing tools for insertion and deep draw operations as well as follow-on tools, auxiliary and welding moulds
  • Optimised production processes between design and toolmaking thanks to streamlined CAD and CNC workstation interfaces
  • Skilled toolmakers with many years of experience guarantee high-quality tools
1000 customer tools produced in 60 years - 50 tonnes of aluminium recycled per year